
Critical KPIs for Customer Service Teams

Written by Admin | Sep 27, 2023 7:38:00 AM
From experience, we know the importance of optimizing your customer service team based on data. In this article, we look at what we believe are the most critical KPIs to optimize your customer service team and identify areas for improvement. By monitoring the KPIs regularly, you can optimize customer service and provide a better customer experience.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

Customer satisfaction surveys, or CSATs, give an indication of how satisfied customers are with the customer service experience they have had. This can be measured using a survey or feedback system. Customer satisfaction can be an important KPI for team leaders and stakeholders as it shows how satisfied customers are with the customer service experience. High customer satisfaction can indicate that customers have a positive perception of the company, which can lead to increased customer loyalty and revenue.

A customer service system with a built-in CSAT system and good reporting capabilities that give you an overview of these will help you collect and use customer satisfaction data to improve the customer experience your customer service team delivers.

One touch Resolution - Cases resolved with one answer or action

One touch resolution refers to a customer service approach where a representative tries to resolve a customer's problem or concern in a single step, or with a single action. This means that customers do not have to contact customer service multiple times to get their issues resolved, which can increase customer satisfaction and reduce costs for the company. The average number of resolution steps can be an important KPI for team leaders and stakeholders, as it shows how effective the team is at resolving issues on first contact. A low number of steps before resolution can reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Requester wait time - Agents' response speed

Measuring the average time it takes for the case originator to receive the first response and the total waiting time from case creation to resolution is important to ensure that the case originator does not wait too long. Average handling time can be an important KPI for team leaders and stakeholders as it shows how efficient the team is at handling customer inquiries. Low response times can reduce costs and increase customer satisfaction.

Escalation rate - Group stations average

Escalation rate measures how many times a customer query needs to be escalated to a higher level to resolve the issue. A high escalation rate may indicate that the team is not effective or that customer service agents need more training. A low escalation rate can indicate that the team is effective and can provide better customer experiences.

Agent experience

This measures the quality of the customer service experience provided by the agents. It can be measured by looking at customer feedback or by monitoring calls to provide feedback and coaching to team members.


It is important to look at volume over time. If you filter volume by different attributes such as call category, channel, group etc. and compare over time, you are better equipped to plan customer service staffing. You can plan the number of agents with the right knowledge across channels to be staffed in the different seasons.

Identifying areas for improving customer service and providing better customer experiences based on data is an important and ongoing task.

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